Saturday, May 5, 2012

Theory on how the diseases spread

Hi people, long time no see. How are you guys doing? Bla bla bla... well I'm not doing those rhetorical questions. Well after so long, I would like to expose to you guys about my new finding theories that I gain while I’m MIA. I was reading (well isn’t that always the way) about the production of sound called PHONATION. Well before I jump into a very bit different concepts, let me remind you something about this sound production. Our exhalation and inhalation processes which also known as respiration or breathing happens in larynx which is connected to bronchus, bronchioles and alveoli respectively. In a simple sentence is lung. So, it is well known as the site of gas exchange. Let us not drag those to another significant multisystem processes on how our body handling it. Back to the larynx, larynx is what you call a tube having our precious gift of Allah (God, bahgwan, budha, jesus according to your own religion), the VOCAL BOX. Here, the volume and pitch are manipulated by the movement of respective muscles, tendons and cartilages. This will generate a fundamental frequency or pitch. It is well controlled by the movement of vocal folds through adduction of arytenoid cartilages producing a vibration called phonation which also you heard as voice. The position of your lips, tongue, mouth and pharynx creates many different vowels and consonant sound as tone and world’s languages. In male, the vocal folds are longer and wider and can be seen as Adam’s apple (thyroid cartilage). In our normal breathing, the arytenoid cartilages medially rotates and open the vocal folds as a mass of gases run through it, thus opening the epiglottis. What will happen to the epiglottis when we stop or pause breathing as it happens during the swallowing of food or water? The epiglottis automatically will fall and close the airway passage of the larynx allowing food to enter the esophagus and stomach. Okay, this is the normal process happening in our body and that is not the point of writing this. The main point that I want to state here is this is exactly what happen during smoking. Shall I say that smoking process is the same as the eating process? Yes, how? The active smokers might relate this in an easier way. As for the passive smokers try to relate while you are enjoying your meal. Have you ever notice that when u eat or swallow food, you are not breathing or pause your breathing. Yes you are. Many of you now will start to focus on how you swallow your food right now, aren’t you? Haha, it’s okay, you should if you want to know the process. So, as I said before, epiglottis will closed the airway passage during swallowing. When eating or smoking, the epiglottis had closed your airway passage leading the bolus and smokes into the esophagus and stomach. That is why many active smokers are suffering from gastrictitis, liver problems and lung disease. As for the passive smokers, lung disease is relevant to inhalation of the smokes if you stand near the active smokers. That is all I want to share with you for the time being. I know it is kind of lame, but hope you gain some additional info. Bye bye now... -hugs & kisses-

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Jeng Kelin

Selamat malam agan2 n sister2 sekalian... wedeuuww, siapa ya yang masih blum kenal sama aktres komedi Jeng Kelin?? Ini aktres favoret aku dan yang amat aku kagumi. Kenapa ya?
wess,, sudah pasti gelagat'a yang mengjengkelkan plus lucu dan tampangny yg aku kira lucu juga..Trus nada suarany imut2 bikin ngakak..wkwkwkwk!!

Aku jadi tauny tentang komedi ini melalui pacarku. Kata'na ceritany lucu bangedh bikin kesel..Ywdh, aku nonton aj.. beneren lucu Loh plus bikin kesel. tapi gw suka gaya Lo jeng!! hihihi~

Monday, March 28, 2011

Persediaan Bercinta -MESTI TAHU

Hola people,sorry la dah lama xupdate my blog. Btw, I nak kongsi satu topik yg agak menarik,tertarik, lg the bom..haa
tentang cinta. Apa dia cinta tu? takat cakap I lap u ,u lap me je ke? ada apa dengan cinta? ce wah mcm pilem OST.
Haha ok what ever pun, ada a few things yg kita kena sacrifice sikit utk memberi laluan kpd komitmen bg yg mahukannya. Mari kita lihat I follow!

Number One - Tidak Bebas Seperti Dahulu
# Sebelum bercinta haa,kebiasaannya hanya mak ayah I je yg akan masuk
campur hal kita. Namun sekarang bila dah double ni,seorg lg yg akan ikut campur urusan kita. Suka stay tidak,hilang 24 jam tak de kabar sikit,silap haribulan I report polis u..haihai

Number Two- Tanggungjawab Bertambah
# Mestilah I dgn U pun mak perhatian dari orang yg disayangi kan..
Ini bermakna tanggungjawab kita bertambah la sikit ye. Kalau dulu tanggungjawab I until I n family je,sekarang up sikit tanggungjawab menjaga serta mengambil berat tentang si dia.. Adehh!

Number Three - Bukan Si Dia Seorang
# U all pernah terfikir tak apabila kamu berkasih dengannya bererti kamu kita harus berkasih dengan ahli keluarganya. If keluarga Si dia ramah Dan mesra melayan kamu, so rilex je la kan. what if sebaliknya? haa..hampa nak kena pandai sket noh amik peranan..

Number Four - Tidak Seindah Waktu Berkawan
# Masa mula2 nak ayat or memikat atau dalam proses berkawan, Si dia pasti tak pernah lupa bagi hadiah setiap kali ada hari istimewa. Bila dah declare BERCINTA ,harapan la wei..xyah dok syok sendiri berangan dia buat benda yg sama. Maklum la, dah dapat kan, so tak payah la nak bertungkus lumus pikat u lg...

Number Five - Proses Belajar
# kita kena ingat ya,masa bercinta tu la sebenarnya masa utk kita belajar mengenali dan berkongsi hidup dengannya. So jangan la letak harapan tinggi sangat nak semua perfect. I manusia gak sayang oi..kita mungkin ambil masa utk menyesuaikan diri dengan segala-galanya...Banyak sabar ye...

Tuu dia,sedikit sebanyak tips,harap2 sesuai la dengan hampa semua noh..

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Kiriman 26

Jalanku sangat panjang
Panjang dan melelahkan
Panas juga banget menyengat
seketika selayak oase
Dirimu hadir membawa kesegaran
Kau datang dengan air bening pembasuh jiwa yang lara
Kau hapuskan segala tandus gerah
Tempat aku sandarkan hati yang lelah
Terima kasih cinta
Engkau adalah penyelamat jiwaku yang hilang
Jiwa yang haus akan kasih sayang...

Kiriman 25

Malam kembali sepi
Aku pun seperti termenung sendiri
Membayangkan wajah sg wanita suci
Gadis dengan senyum sederhana
Namun banget mempersona
Remang-remang ia datang
Lalu hilang
Aku mencoba menyapa
Banget nyata
Aku harap ia akan memberikanku tawa
Seperti adam yang selalu damba akan hawa
Seperti aku yang tengah dilanda rindu yang membara...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Kiriman 23

Kerlip bintang hias kelam

Dan rembulan yang purnama dalam singgahsananya...

Bangat luas langit malam

Bangat tenang cahayanya...

Aku yang sedang termenung melukis

wajahmu di antara sinar bintang

Mencari senyummu di hening malam

Menyentuh kulit halusmu di sela padang rumput kaki bukit

Mencoba berlari mengejar bayang indah gamabr tubuhmu

Sungguh sangat merindukan gadisku

Sungguh sangat merindukanmu...

Kiriman 22

Seperti air yang mengalir

Mencari tempat rendah

Memberikan kehidupan

Membawa kesegaran

Seperti dirimu yang selalu menjagaku

Memelukku penuh hangat

Memberiku cinta

Membawa kedamaian jiwa...